This week, I’m getting the opportunity to play catch-up and get my feet wet with Geneva. So far, it’s awesome because there is so much material already out! As soon as all my pre-reqs are installed, integration with VS 2008 immediately worked {Per DL “huh, a Beta product working” =-)}! Yep, the option to “Create a new STS project in the current solution” is pretty slick. Developers can begin building an application immediately without having to wait for the IT guy; therefore keeping everything within VS until time to deploy a build.
If you’ve already played with the federation stuff, I suggest watching Channel 9’s interview with Donovan Follette on making the shift from ADFS v1 to Geneva and Jan Alexander on the claims transformation language in Geneva Server Beta 2. Both address all the important things you need to know to get started such as the new concepts Geneva introduces and how they relate to the old concepts used in ADFS v1.
Check it out, the links to Channel 9 are above!