Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Append a result to a csv import

Say you are using a CSV file to import changes to AD and get the import file from a non-technical source, say HR. Most likely you don't have the complete DN of the user. What you can do is create a function to return the DN of the user based on some search criteria, then append it to the result which you can pipe to another command to execute.

   1: function format-source {Param($file)
   2: $a = Import-Csv $file
   3: $result = New-Object PSObject
   4: foreach ($i in $a) 
   5: {    
   6:     $dn = find-user $i.Username  Select-Object DN        
   7:     $i  Add-Member -Name "DN" -Value $dn -MemberType NoteProperty
   8:     $result = $i    
   9: }
  11: $result 
  13: }

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