Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Powershell Fun...

I know the Quest cmdlets are out there and in Windows 2008 R2, you have the AD cmdlets; however, in the case you still have to do things manually, it’s good to know how to do things through PS – the long way. Here are some snippets I wrote for my current gig. This one gets the member of a user or group object. Handy if you want to quickly see what a user is a member of.

   1: function get-memberof {Param($name)
   2: $filter = "(samaccountname=$name)"
   4: # Use global catalog to query active directory
   5: $dom = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Domain]::GetCurrentDomain()
   6: $objDomain = [ADSI]"GC://$($dom.Name)"
   8: $objSearcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher($objDomain)
   9: $objSearcher.PageSize = 1000
  10: $objSearcher.Filter = $filter
  11: $results = $objSearcher.FindOne()
  13: if($results -ne $null)
  14: {
  15:     foreach($i in $results)
  16:     {
  17:         $entry = $i.GetDirectoryEntry()        
  18:         $groups = $entry.memberof
  20:         foreach($group in $groups)
  21:         {
  22:             Write-Host $group                                    
  23:         }            
  24:     }        
  25: }
  26: else
  27: {
  28:     $object = "object not found."
  29: }
  30:     return $object
  31: }

Another useful snippet is the ability to update or clear user attributes. Here is use ADSI directly which I can then set which flag I want to use to depending on the operation. Below are the flags.

   1: [int] $ADS_PROPERTY_CLEAR = 1
   2: [int] $ADS_PROPERTY_UPDATE = 2
   3: [int] $ADS_PROPERTY_APPEND = 3
   4: [int] $ADS_PROPERTY_DELETE = 2

   1: function update-user {Param($adspath,$title,$description)
   3: $user = [ADSI]"$adspath"
   4: $user.Put("title",$title)
   5: $user.Put("description",$description)
   6: $user.SetInfo()    
   7: Write-Host "Updating object successfully."
   9: }

I’ve never been one to be dependent on third-party plug-ins….yes, I know Quest has cool cmdlets for this. But doing it yourself is still way cooler. Search users using System.DirectoryServices.

   1: function find-user{Param($user)
   3: $filter = "(&(objectclass=user)(samaccountname=$user))"
   5: # Specify seach domain or directly query a global catalog
   6: #$dn = 'LDAP://dc=dogfood,dc=identityjunkie,dc=com'
   7: #$objDomain = New-Object system.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry($dn)
   9: # Use global catalog to query active directory
  10: $dom = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Domain]::GetCurrentDomain()
  11: $objDomain = [ADSI]"GC://$($dom.Name)"
  13: $objSearcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher($objDomain)
  14: $objSearcher.PageSize = 1000
  15: $objSearcher.Filter = $filter
  16: $results = $objSearcher.FindOne()
  18: if($results -ne $null)
  19: {
  20:     foreach($i in $results)
  21:     {
  22:         $entry = $i.GetDirectoryEntry()        
  24:         $hash = @{                
  25:             ObjectCategory = $entry.objectcategory
  26:             ObjectClass = $entry.objectclass            
  27:             DN = $entry.distinguishedname.ToString()        
  28:             FirstName = $entry.givenname.ToString()
  29:             LastName = $entry.sn.ToString()
  30:             Initials = $entry.initials.ToString()
  31:             Username = $entry.samaccountname.ToString()
  32:             DisplayName = $entry.displayname.ToString()
  33:             Upn = $entry.userprincipalname.ToString()
  34:             Email = $entry.mail.ToString()
  35:             Title = $entry.title.ToString()
  36:             Department = $entry.department.ToString()
  37:             Description = $entry.description.ToString()
  38:             EmployeeID = $entry.employeeid.ToString()
  39:             UserAccountControl = $entry.useraccountcontrol.ToString()
  40:         }        
  41:     }        
  42: }
  43: else
  44: {
  45:     $hash = @{        
  46:          ErrLog = " $user does not exist in directory.`n"     
  47:         }        
  48: }
  49:     $user = New-Object PSObject -Property $hash    
  50:     return $user
  51: }

Note, on line 24 I’m using a hash table to build out my psObject which makes life easier in powershell 2.0.

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